

Rakyat Korea mempunyai lagu tradisional 'Arirang' yang menggambarkan penderitaan dan perpisahan. Ia digunakan sebagai 'lagu kebangsaan' tim Korea Bersatu. "Arirang", Lagu Tradisional yang Menyatukan Rakyat Korea

Arirang Tower, 2351,Nambusunhwan-ro,Seocho-gu,Seoul,06713,Rep.of KOREA. 82-2-3475-5000 The Korea International Broadcasting Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Arirang Tower, 2351, Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06713, Rep. of KOREA. Tel : 82-2-3475-5000. E-mail : Copyright Since 1996, KIBF. ALL Right Reserved.

arirang 고배당주는 유동시가총액 상위 200개 종목 중 예상 배당수익률 상위 30종목을 선정해 투자한다. 금융주가 etf의 60% 가량으로 가장 높은 비중을 차지하고 있으며 소비재와 통신서비스, 에너지, 유틸리티 등 밸류업 정책 수혜가 예상되는 대표적인 저평가 ...

Arirang is a popular form of Korean folk song and the outcome of collective contributions made by ordinary Koreans throughout generations. Essentially a simple song, it consists of the refrain 'Arirang, arirang, arariyo' and two simple lines, which differ from region to region.

"Arirang" was a song that consolidated the hearts of the many who lost their homes, families, culture, and identity as Koreans during this era. It was not just the words of the song but the spirit of people's tenacity and the swallowing of tears that have been passed on.

Arirang TV was established in 1997 following the foundation of the Korea International Broadcasting Foundation in 1996. Since its launch, ArirangTV has forged global connections by establishing a broadcasting network reaching 146 million households in 107 countries. Drawing upon this enduring strength, our dedication lies in earnestly engaging ...

"Arirang" is known worldwide as the quintessential Korean folk song. Its iconic status in contemporary Korea derives from its perceived role in strengthening Korean resolve to resist the cultural violence of the Japanese colonial occupation (1905-45). A musical "skeleton" capable of countless improvised variations and interpretations ...

Kata 아리 (ari) berarti indah, cantik, contohnya 아리따운 ( arittaun ), kata yang dalam bahasa Korea klasik yang berarti cantik atau indah. Sedangkan 랑 (rang) berarti kekasih. Dari kata-kata ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa arirang berarti "kekasihku tersayang". Arirang tidak hanya lagu rakyat, tetapi juga lagu ini mencerminkan sejarah ...

Arirang" (아리랑; [a.ɾi.ɾaŋ]) is a Korean folk song. There are about 3,600 variations of 60 different versions of the song, all of which include a refrain similar to "Arirang, arirang, arariyo (아리랑, 아리랑, 아라리요)". It is estimated the song is more than 600 years old.

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